Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why Barcode Scanner Technology is Helping Me Lose Weight ...

If it is necessary to work on-site , your business should be within ...One of the new applications I have for my phone uses barcode reader software to scan the barcode on the food that I eat. This is the best application to have for people who are trying to lose weight. You know exactly how many calories, carbs, proteins and fiber your food has before you even buy it or eat it. Sometimes labels can be misleading when they say a food is low calorie or low fat when actually it really isn’t compared to something else you could eat. That is why this barcode scanner ap is so good because it is really an eye opening application. Since I purchased it, there have been several times when I was in the grocery store that I saw something that I wanted that looked like it would be appropriate on my diet. I was unpleasantly surprised to see where it ranked when I scanned it in terms of the fat content. This ap is a life saver!


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