Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bluetooth Barcode Scanners nizeX, Inc.

11 Apr

Recently, nizeX began supporting the Opticon bluetooth barcode scanners in Lizzy. This scanner can work with just about any bluetooth enabled device, but is primarily intended for smartphones and tablets (iPhone, iPad, & Android).

Setup for this scanner is very simple, download the setup PDF file from here and print the PDF.
If you are using the scanner with an iPhone or iPad, just follow the instructions of the second page of the PDF you printed. If you are using an Android device, setup is a little more complicated.
First, you will need to download two different apps from the Android Market OpticonRL and OpticonRL Software Keyboard. Once you have the Android apps downloaded, just follow the directions on the first page of the PDF you printed.

Opticon has also provided some videos that show the process of linking your scanner to your device.




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