Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Android App - Barcode Scanner (ZXing), SQLite database, UI ...

4 days, 23 hours left


  • Project ID:

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    $250-$750 USD

Project Description:


--- I am on a TIGHT deadline. This project needs to be done in 7 days ---

- I need Android app that will allow users to query a local database and add items to a cart.
- The program will integrate the ZXing barcode scanner to scan ISBN barcodes.
- It will also allow the user to type in a number instead of scanning.
- The database will all be local (in SQLite db file).
- The database will have just TWO tables. One for bibliographic data and one for the current cart.

- The program will have a "home" screen
- Home screen has two buttons: "Scan ISBN" and "Type ISBN"
- Home screen will display a total price of all items in the cart.
- Home screen also has a "Reset" button, which empties all items from cart
- If the user chooses to "Scan ISBN", program will use the ZXing library to scan ISBN barcode.
- If the user chooses to "Type ISBN", program will show a numerical keyboard for typing ISBN
- Query SQL database for product information (Title, Author, Price) and display
- Allow user to "Accept" or "Decline"
- Take user back to home screen.
- Aesthetics are not important.

- I will own full copyright and ALL source files
- App will be on Android Market as a free app
- You will guarantee a 2 week free bugfix period
- I will need your report on development progress every day;

Skills required:

Android, Mobile Phone




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SICS India



India From India    Premium Membership     Online

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$750 in 6 days 

22 minutes ago
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4 Reviews

82% Completion Rate

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yuvi88 India



India From India        Online

$500 in 10 days 
$150 Milestone Requested

24 minutes ago
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New Freelancer!

Hi, I have worked on QR codes earlier also. Please check your PMB.

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Alia parker said...

Onsite3d is the company who is providing many types of service like 3d scanning, lider scanning, 3d modelling, pointcloud Vancouver, BC. They are really amazing. I have seen and and also hired them. They have done an amazing work.

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