I have an a Symbol barcode scanner model LS2208 that I'm trying to use on a couple of Windows XP machine. The scanner uses RS-232 for its connection.
On the first machine, everything works great. I plug in the scanner, run the test software provided by Motorola (TestScan) and the scanner is found and reading barcodes. The second machine I do the exact same thing and this time the application hangs on trying to claim the scanner. I tried a second program by Motorola, 123 scan2, which is used to configure the scanner, and I get an error saying that the scanner is utilized by another program. After a quick reboot, I relaunch 123scan2 and the same error. I double check to see what applications are running and find nothing besides the normal windows services.
Thinking the serial port driver just is off, I reinstall the serial driver and give it another restart. Again same error, so I dive into the Windows Log Viewer and am not seeing anything abnormal. However back in Device Manager, I see an Intel AMT serial device sitting on com3.
Back out to the bios to disable AMT and a reboot later I'm still seeing my error messsage "Could not find Scanner" Besides doing a clean install of Windows XP and seeing if that fixes, I'm out of ideas.
Given the scanner it in current config works on one machine, what am I missing in successfully troubleshooting this on the second?
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