Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Estimated Value $12844.80 USD » Posguys, barcode ...

On average, is ranked #253,190 across major traffic ranking services such as Alexa. This metric shows the popularity of this site compared to other sites around the web. It domain created on 2003-02-18. It is getting about 1,784 page views per day. Visitors to the site view an average of 3 unique pages per day. Estimated daily time on site 02:60 seconds. It has an average of 28,000 pages indexed in major search engines like Google™. It has 1,385 backlinks according to Alexa.
With the daily ads revenue: $36 USD. It has an estimated value of $12,845 USD. Out of the 30 unique keywords found on, "pos system" was the most dense. The site is currently hosted in Scottsdale AZ in United States on a server with the IP which is hosted by This site has Google PageRank™ 4 of 10.

Website Information


Barcode Scanners - POS Systems by


Barcode scanners and POS Systems. With our well-trained staff, we support what we sell, carrying premier barcode scanners, complete POS Systems, and receipt printers.


Barcode, Care, Point, Pos, Printers, Readers, Receipt, Retail, Scanners, Software, Systems

Estimated Data

Daily Visits:

The amount of user’s traffic during 24 hours.
We use widestat algorithm with our own data to calculate visits quantity.

Monthly Visits:

The amount of user’s traffic during 1 month.
We use widestat algorithm with our own data to calculate visits quantity.

Daily Revenue:

The estimated cost of daily income from contextual advertising allocation.
$35.68 USD

Monthly Revenue:

The estimated cost of monthly income from contextual advertising allocation.
$1,070.40 USD

Summary Stats

Alexa Rank:

Alexa Rank is combined rating, that takes into account both the quantity of users and the quantity of website’s page views.
The lower Alexa Rank index is the better. The best website has maximum rank 1.

Learn more -


Google PageRank:

Google PageRank™ - is an important rate for your website promotion in Google™ search engine that is calculated for every page separately. The higher website PageRank the more significant it is for Google™, maximum PageRank value is 10.
4 of 10

Compete Rank:

Compete rank is the authorized analytic resource that estimates sites’ traffic.
The bigger site traffic the lower Compete rank will be.

Google Index:

The quantity of Google™ indexed pages.
The more pages are indexed by Google™ the better.

Quantcast Rank:

Quantcast makes hybrid evaluations of website’s audience and gives it the rank.
The smaller the Quantcast Rank the better, maximum 1.

Yahoo Index:

The quantity of Yahoo indexed pages.
The more pages are indexed by Yahoo the better.

DMOZ Listed:

DMOZ – is the most significant multilingual catalogue of sites in the Internet which is supported by community of volunteer editors.
Search engines pay a lot of attention to DMOZ catalogue, this catalogue will be extremely useful to promote your website.

Bing Index:

The quantity of Bing indexed pages.
The more pages are indexed by Bing the better.

Domain Registration

Created: Search engines are using website age while ranking search results.
The older the website the better it is ranked in search engines.
Updated: 2011-02-14
Expires: 2013-02-18
Registrar: Domain name registrar is the organization that has all the rights for creation and registration of new domain names
and also the right for extending validity of already existing domain names in domain for which obligatory registration is established.
Owner: MGM Solutions Inc.
Domain Nameservers:

Server Information

Server Provider: Hosting company (also: hoster, hosting-provider, web-hoster, HSP (Hosting Service Provider)) – the company which deals with services for allocation of equipment, data, and web site on its technical platform.
Country: United States
Server IP: IP-address – a unique number assigned to each computer that identifies it when attached to the Internet.
IP-address – consist of two parts: network number and node number.

Google PageRank:

Google PageRank™ - is an important rate for your website promotion in Google™ search engine that is calculated for every page separately. The higher website PageRank the more significant it is for Google™, maximum PageRank value is 10.
4 of 10

Google Index:

The quantity of Google™ indexed pages.
The more pages are indexed by Google™ the better.

Google Analytics ID:

Google Analytics™ ID the unique number of analytic Google™ program which is given when tracing code is set. To see all websites that are owned by one person you should enter Google Analytics™ ID number into WideStat search bar.

Google Adsense™ Publisher ID:

Google Adsense™ Publisher ID is the unique number that is given to the partners of advertising program Google Adsense™. To see all sites that are owned by one person you should enter Google Adsense™ ID number into WideStat search bar.

Yahoo Index:

The quantity of Yahoo indexed pages.
The more pages are indexed by Yahoo the better.

Yahoo Backlinks:


Bing Index:

The quantity of Bing indexed pages.
The more pages are indexed by Bing the better.

Top Queries from Search Engines

Query The rating of search queries popularity for the last month. Search Traffic
pos system 16.31%
pos systems 8.16%
barcode scanner 1.53%
employee card design 0.98%
employee card size 0.86%
pos equipment 0.64%
mmf-199epsn10 0.59%
pos guys 0.46%
best barcode scanner 0.44%
epson tm t88iv 0.44%

High Impact Search Queries

Query Phrases which attract traffic to your website from search engine system.
This is a list of sub phrases, which come across most often in search traffic.
Impact High value shows that your website gets the major part of searching traffic according to the request which contains these phrases. Despite the severe advertising competition for this phrases.
The index according to the scale from 0 to 100.
Popularity The evaluation of the frequency of their usage is made according to the scale from 0 to 100.
The bigger value the more popular the word is.
pos system 32.97 37
pos systems 17.47 26
cash drawer 3.63 22
barcode scanner 3.25 40
pos equipment 1.47 20
loyalty cards keychains 1.03 9
More »

Google Trends

This graph shows dynamics of interest in the website or in the keyword for the last five years. Top 100 of most frequent search queries of the day you can see them here.

Server Summary

Server IPs: IP-address – the unique node network address in computer network, based on IP-protocol.
IP-address – consist of two parts: network number and node number.
Server Name: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
Server Provider: Hosting company (also: hoster, hosting-provider, web-hoster, HSP (Hosting Service Provider)) - the company which deals with services for allocation of equipment, data, and web site on its technical platform.
Server Location: Scottsdale AZ in United States
Charset: -
Powered By: ASP.NET
Average Load Time: Avarage load time – shows the time for response of the site (site loading). -

Server Headers

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Content-Length: 73677
Content-Type: text/html
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2012 13

Server Location & Distance

The IP address of is

Reputation Rating


Shows general level of users trust for this website.


The trust level for protection of users privacy.

Child Safety:

Trust level for its availability for children.

Vendor reliability:

This shows the trust level for business operations on the website, especially in the sphere of e-commerce.

Scan site for viruses, Trojan horse software, etc.


0 Adware, spyware or viruses: 0


0 Browser exploit: 0
Expressive popups: 0 Phishing or other scams: 0
Bad shopping experience: 0

Whois Information

 The data contained in, LLC's WhoIs database, while believed by the company to be reliable, is provided "as is" with no guarantee or warranties regarding its accuracy.  This information is provided for the sole purpose of assisting you in obtaining information about domain name registration records. Any use of this data for any other purpose is expressly forbidden without the prior written permission of, LLC.  By submitting an inquiry, you agree to these terms of usage and limitations of warranty.  In particular, you agree not to use this data to allow, enable, or otherwise make possible, dissemination or collection of this data, in part or in its entirety, for any purpose, such as the transmission of unsolicited advertising and and solicitations of any kind, including spam.  You further agree not to use this data to enable high volume, automated or robotic electronic processes designed to collect or compile this data for any purpose, including mining this data for your own personal or commercial purposes.   Please note: the registrant of the domain name is specified in the "registrant" field.  In most cases,, LLC  is not the registrant of domain names listed in this database.   Registrant:    MGM Solutions Inc.     Registered through: Go Daddy    Domain Name: POSGUYS.COM     Domain servers in listed order:       NS43.DOMAINCONTROL.COM       NS44.DOMAINCONTROL.COM      For complete domain details go to: 


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