Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bungee jumping retailers can watch expenses freefall with barcode ...

Posted March 14, 2012

Bungee jumpers are daredevils who enjoy the thrill of diving from high distances. These extremists may jump for a variety of reasons. New adventure seekers pursue the activity for a fun, one-of-a-kind experience, and many bungee jumping instructors support these daredevils with equipment, lessons and other tools. Experienced professionals can lend a helping hand to novice jumpers and can improve their operation's inventory tracking and management with barcode readers.

A scanner gives a retailer the opportunity to monitor items upon arrival. Bungee jumping teachers may provide cords, harnesses and lanyards, and can track their supply inventory with a barcode scanner.

The device enhances teachers' accessibility and can give them more time to spend with eager learners. For example, an instructor may spend several hours a day monitoring equipment that consumers purchase or rent, but a barcode reader uses intuitive technology to instantly track data. This enhances an operation's efficiency, and gives educators more time to spend teaching students about basic and advanced bungee jumping techniques.

Instructors' profits can plummet with ineffective technology, but barcode readers such as the Symbol LS4278 Scanner can support any company's operations. Using the scanner allows bungee jumping instructors to scan all types of 1D barcode technologies quickly and effectively. 

Filed under: Data Collection


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