A few weeks back we began blogging about the importance of supporting blurry barcode scanning for app developers. In our last post, we took a look at a revealing original study demonstrating that over 140 million smartphones around the world lack autofocus cameras. Today we’d like to continue the discussion by sharing some technical reasons to support blurry barcode scanning in your app. To do this we’d like to share a short slidedeck our CTO Christian Floerkemeier prepared for a recent industry event:
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At Scandit, we’ve taken the “problem” of recognizing these blurry images, and turned it into an “opportunity” to design the fastest, most accurate mobile barcode SDK on the market. Instead of trying to eliminate blur, we embrace it. By purposefully capturing and recognizing the barcode right away regardless of image clarity and quality, we’ve reduced latency and produced the fastest mobile barcode scanner to date. Instead of attempting to optimize our technology for autofocus devices we’ve instead just eliminated the need to use autofocus altogether. We’re confident that if you test out our SDK you’ll not only find it impressive in terms of performance, but it’s also very easy to use right out of the box. Curious? Sign up today and be amazed with the blazing speed of how Scandit recognizes barcodes small and large! For now this concludes our discussion on blurry barcode scanning, and the importance of supporting it in your apps.
Stay tuned for some more upcoming technical posts, including an RFID vs. Barcode challenge and an examination of data matrix codes. Be sure to leave your comments below!
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